
A idéia de criar este espaço surgiu aos poucos. Nasceu da necessidade de expandir o grupo de pessoas com as quais me correspondo ou com as quais converso sobre temas de interesse em comum. Desejo que seja um lugar de troca de idéias e informações, mas , sobretudo, de boa conversa, democrática e sem preconceitos. Mais uma vez, benvindos.

sábado, 24 de março de 2012

Unglamorous Misantropia

Someone has said that the best place to start is no doubt at the very beginninng.  Unfortunately  I don't know exactly the first time  I realize that the majority of persons did not yield a good conversation. I think it happened late in my life when I was a young teenager, but, at the beginning, I  gave no great attention to this.

I do not feel myself better than anyone. Oh, no! I'm an ordinary person. I really experience so! 

Being ordinary doesn't mean, however, being poor inside; I mean, having no content!

In fact, I have just observed how people, in general,  are uninteresting . They are, in most cases, just living their lives with no other purpose than make money, buy a car, a house and gain social status.

Ok. I'm also not an entertaining person for the most of my human fellows. I'm an introvert person, cynic and I admit I have a pair of manias. I think some supposed I'm snobbish,  selfish or even an antisocial person.

No, I'm not antisocial.  I love playing soccer and tennis. Go to a stadium for a match is nice!  

I also enjoy a good talk. I really do! The question is that it doesn't have to be a highbrow coversation, but it has to be enriching. If not, please, leave alone!

What I cannot stand anymore is someone talking to me about disgusting and boring  thinks like self-promotion gabble, clothes brand or everyday opinions sought on TV, newspaper or gossip magazines.

Yes, in a era of mass culture there is a longing for money, fame and influence. This makes many prosaic and vulgar. So, these people bother me with foreseeable talk. 

I know there is interesting persons, dedicated to noble causes, with a sense of respect for others that work in anonymity. I have a great respect for them! But let's be honest, these people are so few! In general humans are not helpful to each other. They are also cabotinasnarcissistic and unable to judge things with detachment in relation to their immediate interests.

Maybe I have my moments of misanthropy or, maybe, I  just want to spend my time with people who are worthy of a good conversation and relatioship. The ones that  will bring me good and valuable reflections or, at least, will bring cheer sense of humor.  

I believe people can discuss simplicities and common day life with intelligence.